Take it on a little bit further
Push into some new areas
Make it more global
Keep including practice in different ways
Give strong presence for different forms of practice
Check it out
Start thinking a little about what visualities might mean
Pursue, over the next two days, points of conversion and intersection
Explore the few blocks around us
Think across different spheres
Scribble it down
This needs to stop
But seriously though, this needs to stop
Show us what to look out for
Talk to me
Ask your parents if your home has been checked for lead
Beware of possible lead dust inside and outside the house
Remember you can't see lead dust
Stay away from old chipping, flacking and peeling paint
Keep your hands out of your mouth
Keep dirt and toys out of your mouth
Ask your parents to use wet cleaning and wet dusting
Eat a lot of healthy food
Draw a Fundred
Go to Fundred.com for more information
Download the Fundred template
Get started in your very own Fundred today
Protect our ways
Walk away
Don't say anything
Leave them alone in their conflict
Fight them using their own tools
Go back home
Do the best you can
We have to lead
We have to take the lead
A lot of things need to be restored
Go back to its roots
They need to hold themselves responsible
They need to be accountable
See more of this project in the project website
Take advantage of the fact
You guys can start talking
Open your chat
Collect a couple of questions
See how we want to go ahead with this
Think about all of the carbon footprint that didn't happen
You need to keep coming back to it
What we probably should do is something different
Use the time we have
Have this discussion with the audience as well
Let them be
Have that conversation now
Talk about that
Let's have a meeting
Introduce yourself
You can't ever take it out of that kind of power and historical context
Think critically about what art can do
Do it anyway
Join me in welcoming
Give legalization status
Step away from the shadows of fear and shame
Come out
Can we get some more lights, please?
Think about this
We have to represent ourselves
Let the work do the work
Break those institution's boundaries
Question the role that we are playing
Stop talking about immigration on those terms
Move away
Look at who is providing our food
Speak more radically
Come on time
Take advantage of all the liveliness that’s happening elsewhere
Can you lower those lights once again, please?
Think through
Join me in welcoming
We need to imagine
You can’t just stop being a man
Deal with it
Be careful
Have fun
Look at this
Come in
Find yourself a bed
Don't stare at man's crotches
Go to the garage sales
Always pay the rent on time
Learn english yesterday
Get used to it
Please welcome
Step out into the streets
Use your power
Defend yourselves
Turn anger, fear and grief into action
Let's call it irony
Feel free to think
Come up to the microphone
Let's talk about generations as a way to both mark and freeze us in an archival project
We shouldn't treat the temporal as simply linear
We shouldn't assume that all of us have connected dots
Continue to struggle to maintain the right to interpret
Turn to geo-spacial images
Notice the hand drawing
Turn it up a little
Can we get the sound up a little bit?
You cannot breathe the air over Japan
Do violence to language and representation
Call things by their name
Use the right words
Resist metaphor
Point at things
Make eye contact
Make understood that we have seen, that we see, that we see you and that we also accuse ourselves
Develop a continuity of senses
Combine perceptions in the field
Define new notations
Don't worry about tapping them
Critically engage with both kind of networks
Find ways of making network forms of power legible
You cannot separate yourself from those aspects of life
Move on
Come up to the mic
Talk back
Make your own media
Constantly access the truth status of all kinds of images
Read them together
Think about visual culture and imagery not just as representational
Think much more specifically about that
Take on that language
Take that back in whatever way you can
Plant your feet down
Take it on
Turn it back
Figure out modes of network activism that maneuver between these network interfaces
Spend time vibrating together
We cannot inhabit another person's vision
Strategize together in a creative way about how to keep the conversation alive
Please join me in welcoming
Be grateful that I figured out how to turn off the slideshow's music
Continue considering the ethics of visuality and the stakes of visual activism
These things have to be re-taught
We have to find ways of quickly telling those histories
We need to remember
Sometimes it is necessary to say we'll point at things
The tactic must be seized on the wind
People can come to the microphone or just shout
Try a different technology
Agarren papel y lapis
Empiecen a moldar ideas
Make sure that it's not minimized
It's important to note that it's not a simple matter of inside and outside
You can go to the next slide
We can move on
You can go through some of the images
You can keep going
You can scroll to the side
You can go through the slide
Show the invisibility of practices of cultural theft
Bring into focus the particular conjunctures of space and time
Recognize, in the current conjuncture, the complexity of different contexts of globalization
See specifically how global processes are overlapping
Think about how we might see activist art as marked by globalization
Be dialogic in the strong sense
It must be made militant
Think about how a book might offer a mode of thinking about zones of conflict
Be in dialogue with its historical moment
Please, come, and do use the mic
Bring that book back
Think through other ways of proceeding with historical images within the contemporary moment
Follow that discussion up
We should have a second event
Create different senses of community
Use the microphone
Flash out a little bit for the group about what you are envisioning
See the website
Register for the newsletter immediately
Develop ways in which art can try to fight for itself amongst the large sphere of culture
Figure out how we manage to engage in conversations like that
Think out ways
Discuss the politics and pedagogy of our activism
Think about activism as a way of pedagogical enterprise
Engage with schools
Work now with teachers
Work now with young people
Work with artists
Bring out artists and activists into the school
We need to be reflective upon how the world looks like now
Take on racial justice
Take on the fact that women are consistently under represented
Think about how to include voices all over the globe
People should network here and figure out who wants to be doing what
Go ahead and do it
Keep that moving
Do it remotely
We could rely on a kind of bottom up idea
Feel free to contact us
Let us know what you wanna see happen
We should make way to the speakers of the next session
Congratulate her
Consider these levels of multiple occupations across generations
Consider displacement not only as a violent spacial experience
Consider how displacement is a temporal violence
Think about its history in the region and how it affects the people in it
Work to be private
Work to be not seen
Dim the lights
Do things that you never thought you would do
Tax the rich
Help the poor
Come down here to live in my shoes
See how its like
Take a walk through communities like Oakland
Come to the neighborhood
Just come down this way to see
Come down here
Come to the poor, the poor neighborhood
Come down here and spend some time
Come down here and hang out with the people
Talk to us
Talk to me
Talk to them
Talk to some of us that actually know what the system is and where the flaws are at
See what their needs are
Hear us out
Try to understand our point of view
You cannot fix a problem from the outside looking in
Get acknowledged
Imagine being in this chair where I'm sitting right now
Imagine you had been let go of your job, you lost your car, your family and your house
Imagine how you would exist
Come out here to the streets
Help them be where you're at
Take the time
Make someone's day
You gotta get in there where the smoke is and see what's causing the smoke
Come down here, just come down here
Stay civilized in society
Don't loose your cool
Come on
Define what does displacement means to you
Reflect a little further
Tell us a little bit about what each of you are doing in the moment, in your work
Let's have a discussion
Reposition ourselves in the midst of each of those collisions
Be in charge of reminding us about what the problem is
Be producing the strategies to transcend it
Visualize the fragmented policies
Begin to construct a more empowering or emancipatory idea of displacement
Infiltrate again into institutional mechanisms to rethink them from within
Visualize the forgotten pieces of legislation that are still in the books
Enact those pieces so they become functional once more
Tell our own stories through art
Be active in the space of action
Care what policies are passed
Have relationships with movement groups
Work in the space of ideas
Flow across these spaces
Think through what are we doing to shift policy
Remind ourselves that we are beautiful
Think about how we are owning our privilege
Militarize those borders
Imagine the courage that that takes
Shift the narrative
Absorb it
Take action
Pass the immigration reform
Start with taking a look at what our art spaces look like
We should see if there's a couple of questions
Begin by altering the mythology of the american dream
Think about not just representation
Think about how we are gonna shift policy and make power uncomfortable
Say things
Share this piece of art
Tell your friends 3 reasons why we need immigration reform
Recognize our power as artists
Come together as community
Create collaborative spaces
We need to organize ourselves
Enable the summoning of the institutions
Try to reconfigure our way of action
Move on to the next session
Change different spaces and the mentality on how people perceive art and what art should be
Produce work
Work hard to finance what we believe in
Accept yourself
You don't have to feel like you are trapped
Deal with it
Face everything that you will see outside
Let's respect other people's feelings
We need a lot of awareness
Take lesbian and gay pride into the communities that we serve
Call us
Call us anytime
You can't remain quiet
Agitate using visuals
You have to document
Take it slow
Take me to slide 1
We don't want people to speak for us
Speak for ourselves
Write about your own story
We just need a pen and paper
Juggle many different things to make sense
We can't always rely on mainstream media
Find our way

Take it on a little bit further
Push into some new areas
Make it more global
Keep including practice in different ways
Give strong presence for different forms of practice
Check it out
Start thinking a little about what visualities might mean
Pursue, over the next two days, points of conversion and intersection
Explore the few blocks around us
Think across different spheres
Scribble it down
This needs to stop
But seriously though, this needs to stop
Show us what to look out for
Talk to me
Ask your parents if your home has been checked for lead
Beware of possible lead dust inside and outside the house
Remember you can't see lead dust
Stay away from old chipping, flacking and peeling paint
Keep your hands out of your mouth
Keep dirt and toys out of your mouth
Ask your parents to use wet cleaning and wet dusting
Eat a lot of healthy food
Draw a Fundred
Go to Fundred.com for more information
Download the Fundred template
Get started in your very own Fundred today
Protect our ways
Walk away
Don't say anything
Leave them alone in their conflict
Fight them using their own tools
Go back home
Do the best you can
We have to lead
We have to take the lead
A lot of things need to be restored
Go back to its roots
They need to hold themselves responsible
They need to be accountable
See more of this project in the project website
Take advantage of the fact
You guys can start talking
Open your chat
Collect a couple of questions
See how we want to go ahead with this
Think about all of the carbon footprint that didn't happen
You need to keep coming back to it
What we probably should do is something different
Use the time we have
Have this discussion with the audience as well
Let them be
Have that conversation now
Talk about that
Let's have a meeting
Introduce yourself
You can't ever take it out of that kind of power and historical context
Think critically about what art can do
Do it anyway
Join me in welcoming
Give legalization status
Step away from the shadows of fear and shame
Come out
Can we get some more lights, please?
Think about this
We have to represent ourselves
Let the work do the work
Break those institution's boundaries
Question the role that we are playing
Stop talking about immigration on those terms
Move away
Look at who is providing our food
Speak more radically
Come on time
Take advantage of all the liveliness that’s happening elsewhere
Can you lower those lights once again, please?
Think through
Join me in welcoming
We need to imagine
You can’t just stop being a man
Deal with it
Be careful
Have fun
Look at this
Come in
Find yourself a bed
Don't stare at man's crotches
Go to the garage sales
Always pay the rent on time
Learn english yesterday
Get used to it
Please welcome
Step out into the streets
Use your power
Defend yourselves
Turn anger, fear and grief into action
Let's call it irony
Feel free to think
Come up to the microphone
Let's talk about generations as a way to both mark and freeze us in an archival project
We shouldn't treat the temporal as simply linear
We shouldn't assume that all of us have connected dots
Continue to struggle to maintain the right to interpret
Turn to geo-spacial images
Notice the hand drawing
Turn it up a little
Can we get the sound up a little bit?
You cannot breathe the air over Japan
Do violence to language and representation
Call things by their name
Use the right words
Resist metaphor
Point at things
Make eye contact
Make understood that we have seen, that we see, that we see you and that we also accuse ourselves
Develop a continuity of senses
Combine perceptions in the field
Define new notations
Don't worry about tapping them
Critically engage with both kind of networks
Find ways of making network forms of power legible
You cannot separate yourself from those aspects of life
Move on
Come up to the mic
Talk back
Make your own media
Constantly access the truth status of all kinds of images
Read them together
Think about visual culture and imagery not just as representational
Think much more specifically about that
Take on that language
Take that back in whatever way you can
Plant your feet down
Take it on
Turn it back
Figure out modes of network activism that maneuver between these network interfaces
Spend time vibrating together
We cannot inhabit another person's vision
Strategize together in a creative way about how to keep the conversation alive
Please join me in welcoming
Be grateful that I figured out how to turn off the slideshow's music
Continue considering the ethics of visuality and the stakes of visual activism
These things have to be re-taught
We have to find ways of quickly telling those histories
We need to remember
Sometimes it is necessary to say we'll point at things
The tactic must be seized on the wind
People can come to the microphone or just shout
Try a different technology
Agarren papel y lapis
Empiecen a moldar ideas
Make sure that it's not minimized
It's important to note that it's not a simple matter of inside and outside
You can go to the next slide
We can move on
You can go through some of the images
You can keep going
You can scroll to the side
You can go through the slides
Show the invisibility of practices of cultural theft
Bring into focus the particular conjunctures of space and time
Recognize, in the current conjuncture, the complexity of different contexts of globalization
See specifically how global processes are overlapping
Think about how we might see activist art as marked by globalization
Be dialogic in the strong sense
It must be made militant
Think about how a book might offer a mode of thinking about zones of conflict
Be in dialogue with its historical moment
Please, come, and do use the mic
Bring that book back
Think through other ways of proceeding with historical images within the contemporary moment
Follow that discussion up
We should have a second event
Create different senses of community
Use the microphone
Flash out a little bit for the group about what you are envisioning
See the website
Register for the newsletter immediately
Develop ways in which art can try to fight for itself amongst the large sphere of culture
Figure out how we manage to engage in conversations like that
Think out ways
Discuss the politics and pedagogy of our activism
Think about activism as a way of pedagogical enterprise
Engage with schools
Work now with teachers
Work now with young people
Work with artists
Bring out artists and activists into the school
We need to be reflective upon how the world looks like now
Take on racial justice
Take on the fact that women are consistently under represented
Think about how to include voices all over the globe
People should network here and figure out who wants to be doing what
Go ahead and do it
Keep that moving
Do it remotely
We could rely on a kind of bottom up idea
Feel free to contact us
Let us know what you wanna see happen
We should make way to the speakers of the next session
Congratulate her
Consider these levels of multiple occupations across generations
Consider displacement not only as a violent spacial experience
Consider how displacement is a temporal violence
Think about its history in the region and how it affects the people in it
Work to be private
Work to be not seen
Dim the lights
Do things that you never thought you would do
Tax the rich
Help the poor
Come down here to live in my shoes
See how its like
Take a walk through communities like Oakland
Come to the neighborhood
Just come down this way to see
Come down here
Come to the poor, the poor neighborhood
Come down here and spend some time
Come down here and hang out with the people
Talk to us
Talk to me
Talk to them
Talk to some of us that actually know what the system is and where the flaws are at
See what their needs are
Hear us out
Try to understand our point of view
You cannot fix a problem from the outside looking in
Get acknowledged
Imagine being in this chair where I'm sitting right now
Imagine you had been let go of your job, you lost your car, your family and your house
Imagine how you would exist
Come out here to the streets
Help them be where you're at
Take the time
Make someone's day
You gotta get in there where the smoke is and see what's causing the smoke
Come down here, just come down here
Stay civilized in society
Don't loose your cool
Come on
Define what does displacement means to you
Reflect a little further
Tell us a little bit about what each of you are doing in the moment, in your work
Let's have a discussion
Reposition ourselves in the midst of each of those collisions
Be in charge of reminding us about what the problem is
Be producing the strategies to transcend it
Visualize the fragmented policies
Begin to construct a more empowering or emancipatory idea of displacement
Infiltrate again into institutional mechanisms to rethink them from within
Visualize the forgotten pieces of legislation that are still in the books
Enact those pieces so they become functional once more
Tell our own stories through art
Be active in the space of action
Care what policies are passed
Have relationships with movement groups
Work in the space of ideas
Flow across these spaces
Think through what are we doing to shift policy
Remind ourselves that we are beautiful
Think about how we are owning our privilege
Militarize those borders
Imagine the courage that that takes
Shift the narrative
Absorb it
Take action
Pass the immigration reform
Start with taking a look at what our art spaces look like
We should see if there's a couple of questions
Begin by altering the mythology of the american dream
Think about not just representation
Think about how we are gonna shift policy and make power uncomfortable
Say things
Share this piece of art
Tell your friends 3 reasons why we need immigration reform
Recognize our power as artists
Come together as community
Create collaborative spaces
We need to organize ourselves
Enable the summoning of the institutions
Try to reconfigure our way of action
Move on to the next session
Change different spaces and the mentality on how people perceive art and what art should be
Produce work
Work hard to finance what we believe in
Accept yourself
You don't have to feel like you are trapped
Deal with it
Face everything that you will see outside
Let's respect other people's feelings
We need a lot of awareness
Take lesbian and gay pride into the communities that we serve
Call us
Call us anytime
You can't remain quiet
Agitate using visuals
You have to document
Take it slow
Take me to slide 1
We don't want people to speak for us
Speak for ourselves
Write about your own story
We just need a pen and paper
Juggle many different things to make sense
We can't always rely on mainstream media
Find our way